A transatlantic class war has broken out simultaneously in many countries between elites based in the corporate. The Cold War has been followed by the class war. Asia S Next Giant South Korea And Late Industrialization. Why Isn’t the Whole World Experimenting with the East Asian. Along with neoliberals and libertarians, conservatives assume that the economic elite is not a semi- hereditary class but merely an ever- changing, kaleidoscopic aggregate of talented and hard- working individuals. Like neoliberalism, mainstream conservatism denies the existence of classes in the West. Unable to acknowledge the existence of social class, much less to candidly discuss class conflicts, neoliberals can only attribute populism to bigotry or irrationality. Neoliberalism-the hegemonic ideology of the transatlantic elite-pretends that class has disappeared in societies that are purely meritocratic, with the exception of barriers to individual upward mobility that still exist because of racism, misogyny, and homophobia. None of the dominant political ideologies of the West can explain the new class war, because all of them pretend that persisting social classes no longer exist in the West. Already this transnational class conflict has produced Brexit and the election of Donald Trump to the American presidency. A transatlantic class war has broken out simultaneously in many countries between elites based in the corporate, financial, and professional sectors and working- class populists.

The New Class War - American Affairs Journal.